Set yourself free with (NLP) Neuro-linguistic programming techniques.       What is Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), uses a variety of techniques that gives you the tools to navigate your way through life’s obstacles. NLP focuses on how individuals organise their thinking, feelings and emotions. Changing someone’s thoughts, beliefs and behaviours helps us to achieve our desired outcomes and help us overcome anxiety and stress.

NLP is a talking therapy and integrates Cognitive Behavioural Techniques, Hypnotherapy and Mindfulness as well as powerful relaxation techniques. It is a highly effective way to overcome negative thoughts. However, NLP is less concerned with the root of a problem, or why you think the way you do, but more concerned with fixing it in the here and now.

We can all feel and become unstuck from time to time and suffer setbacks. The key to getting unstuck is to have a set of tools at your disposal to help you.

Core Beliefs

NLP is based upon the idea of changing beliefs. Core beliefs are those hardened, rock-like thoughts and assumptions, and from the choices and decisions made along the way in life.

One of the behavioural method techniques uses the power of reframing to help people overcome their limiting beliefs. There are many other techniques used in NLP.

NLP assumes there is a rational explanation for each person’s behaviour, based on their subjective experience of the world. Using NLP techniques can help you significantly improve your happiness levels by identifying and changing your limiting beliefs.

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT)

MBCT combines cognitive behavioural techniques with mindfulness strategies. MBCT helps you learn how to recognise your sense of being and see yourself as separate from your unwanted negative thoughts and moods. Practising mindfulness can help improve your mental and physical health.

Cognitive Therapy works by helping you identify and change the elements of your belief system and the cognitive distortions that can lead to automatic negative thoughts (ANT’s).

Neuro-Linguistic Programming Presuppositions

Neuro-Linguistic Programming –  presuppositions are beliefs that guide and have guided the development of NLP.  They are an unbiased and compelling set of beliefs that one can incorporate into their life and often should be reviewed because they impact our therapeutic well-being.

  • The map is not the territory
  • We cannot NOT communicate
  • We have all the resources we need.
  • All behaviour has a positive intention
  • There are no failures, only outcomes
  • The meaning of my communication is the response I get.

These presuppositions are based on the idea that human beings form an internal map of their world from their own experiences of life in order to make sense of their surroundings. We create an internal map of how we view and navigate our way through life, as a coping mechanism of sorts. However, we should have respect for the other person’s model of ‘their’ world. We all experience the world in different ways.

The practitioner will help to alter one’s subjective experience of the world, the idea is the problem no longer serves the purpose it once did and therefore will go away on its own. (The map is not the territory).


Cognitive Restructuring

Cognitive distortions are basically irrational thoughts that can influence your emotions. Irrational thoughts and beliefs can lead to problematic emotional states and behaviours such as low self-esteem, anxiety and depression.

Cognitive restructuring is learning how to think differently. It occurs when you become aware of the negative talk, then stop it and finally replace negative thoughts with more rational, realistic and positive thinking.

5 Quick tips to change your thoughts

  • Identify those automatic negative thoughts as they affect your feelings and behaviours.
  • Explore the cause of your negative thought pattern. Is it a work or relationship issue, or perhaps something from your childhood?
  • Keep a record of negative thoughts
  • Rewrite the negative thoughts into positive statements using NLP techniques and affirmations.
  • Chunking or breaking down some of the problems into small, more manageable pieces. Stand back and look at the bigger picture. You can also chunk up and ask yourself what something means or what you are trying to achieve.


How I can help you

am a holistic and well-being therapist and able to offer Mindfulness, CBT, Hypnotherapy and Stress management during your NLP sessions for an overall more powerful treatment.

Treatments can be held online or in person. I am here to help you and feeling better starts here.